Who Protects the Public Trust is a very short presentation by Professor Richard Norton, Taubman College, University of Michigan. Norton is an expert [...]
In this short film, Professor Guy Meadows (Great Lakes Research Center, Michigan Technological University) describes how high-water levels and waves are changing the [...]
Author, teacher and bioregionalist, Stephanie Mills offers our readers another in her series of essays on natural resource experts and their work in Northern Michigan. [...]
Author, teacher and bioregionalist, Stephanie Mills offers our readers another in her series of essays on natural resource experts and their work in Northwest Lower [...]
Recently, eleven of our region’s natural resources experts took turns in the hot seat, responding to questions posed by 8th grade science students [...]
In this video, the Executive Director for Interlochen Public Radio (IPR), Peter Payette leads an informative discussion on the status and possible future [...]