Nature Change appreciates this article and accompanying video submitted by Emily Cook, Outreach Coordinator for the Northwest Michigan Invasive Species Network. We hope [...]
In this new essay by Stephanie Mills, we’re introduced to the Leelanau Conservancy’s Emily Douglas and a couple of dedicated natural resource volunteers [...]
Author, teacher and bioregionalist, Stephanie Mills offers readers another in her series of essays on natural resource experts and their work in Northern Michigan. Here [...]
Author, teacher and bioregionalist, Stephanie Mills offers readers another in her series of essays on natural resource experts and their work in Northern Michigan. In [...]
The following article was submitted by Katie Grzesiak, Northwest Michigan Invasive Species Network to help inform Nature Change readers about local government efforts [...]
Up and down the west side of Lower Michigan, small armies of natural resource professionals and conservation volunteers are scouring the woods and [...]
In this video (click above), we hear about efforts by researchers working on combating tree diseases, including the American Chestnut blight. Researchers at [...]
As the Forest Policy Specialist for the Sierra Club – Michigan Chapter, Marvin Roberson has long advocated for management practices that assure greater [...]
Recently, Nature Change had the opportunity to meet Jenn Wright, the new Executive Director of the Grass River Natural Area in Bellaire, Michigan. [...]
Where can you find dragon’s mouth lady slipper, yellow lady slipper, showy lady slipper, purple fringed orchid, rose pogonia orchid, pitcher plants, sundews [...]
Author, teacher and bioregionalist, Stephanie Mills offers our readers another in her series of essays on natural resource experts and their work in Northwest Lower [...]
This very timely essay and guide was submitted by nutritionists, Kelly Wilson and Paula Martin from Taste the Local Difference (TLD). Please read [...]
Traveling the rolling landscapes of Northern Michigan, you can see a beautiful patchwork quilt of small farms brimming with natural beauty. Many of [...]
Author, teacher and bioregionalist, Stephanie Mills offers our readers the fifth in her series of essays on natural resource experts and their work in Northwest [...]