How have our northern Michigan rivers changed? Have the increasingly frequent and severe storms impacted our rivers? What effects have the dead and [...]
In this video, the Executive Director for Interlochen Public Radio (IPR), Peter Payette leads an informative discussion on the status and possible future [...]
What are the challenges resource professionals face today? Why would four of five brothers strive to build careers in preserving natural resources? In [...]
This video essay is about land stewardship and some of the people dedicated to preserving and caring for Northern Michigan’s historic landscapes. This [...]
This very timely essay and guide was submitted by nutritionists, Kelly Wilson and Paula Martin from Taste the Local Difference (TLD). Please read [...]
Traveling the rolling landscapes of Northern Michigan, you can see a beautiful patchwork quilt of small farms brimming with natural beauty. Many of [...]
Complex systems with weird behavior might describe both the global atmosphere and the Great Lakes. In this essay, noted environmental policy expert and [...]
Author, teacher and bioregionalist, Stephanie Mills offers our readers the fifth in her series of essays on natural resource experts and their work in Northwest [...]
In this made for TV, 28-minute video, we learn about three separate efforts to battle three highly-destructive invasive plants: Garlic Mustard, Japanese Knotweed and [...]
Little Traverse Conservancy (LTC) holds over 350 conservation easements in Northwest Lower Michigan. In most cases, the land owner has donated development rights [...]
Author, teacher and bioregionalist, Stephanie Mills offers our readers the fourth in her series of essays on natural resource experts. In this thoughtful and sympathetic [...]
Change is inevitable. But some changes in the region’s natural resources are caused and accelerated by human activities. In these cases, informed people can make [...]
The Watershed Center Grand Traverse Bay is sharing some good news. Mature trees can play an important role in controlling and limiting stormwater [...]
Author, teacher and bioregionalist, Stephanie Mills offers this essay to Nature Change readers on the beauty and wonder of mosses and ferns as seen through the [...]