New Chestnut Trees for Northern Michigan

Kama Ross

In this video (click above), we hear about efforts by researchers working on combating tree diseases, including the American Chestnut blight. Researchers at Michigan State University and elsewhere are developing new chestnut trees that may be valuable in replacing some of the trees now being lost in the northern forests.

Join the District Forester for Benzie, Grand Traverse and Leelanau Counties, Kama Ross for a short discussion with Dr. Carmen Medina Mora, a microbiologist working in the Sakalidis Lab at MSU. Dr. Medina Mora describes and illustrates some of the efforts being made by forest pathologists to identify disease resistant strains of chestnut trees and new methods for propagating large numbers of trees seedlings.

Dr. Carmen Medina Mora

Dr. Medina Mora was a featured speaker for the Master Gardener Association of Northwest Michigan on February 5, 2019. Nature Change is grateful to the Master Gardeners for giving us the opportunity to capture this interview.

4 thoughts on “New Chestnut Trees for Northern Michigan

  1. So good to hear about the efforts to combat tree loss from disease and possible climate change. The chestnut sounds like an excellent choice for this important project in northwest Michigan and I’m curious to know if the rest of the Midwest with such tree loss’s will be included.

    1. Did you find a source for Chestnuts? Most Conservation Districts sell either American or a hybrid that may not be as susceptible to the blight. Depending on what county you live, check with your local CD first. We are also excited about stock from Forrest Keeling Nursery who is a great supplier of our European X Japanese cultivars. Call them (573) 898-5571 and tell them you are a Michigan chestnut grower and want to order the trees. These trees are reserved only for Michigan growers. They are about $25 each. You need to order at least 20 trees to get them shipped, so if you only want to try 10 trees, get together with another grower to get larger orders. They will arrive mid-September and should be planted ASAP so their roots will be established. You can wait till Spring, but will need to find a place to hold them where the roots in the pots will not freeze. Here are several websites to check out: Michigan’s chestnut cooperative. Lots of information is there including recipes and comparisons between edible chestnuts and horse chestnuts (buckeyes).
      2) is the MSU website (right now it is not functioning so well, but it should be better soon). It is a how to grow chestnuts as a sort of, do-it-yourself orchard planner.

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