The River Guide

Michael Delp

How have our northern Michigan rivers changed? Have the increasingly frequent and severe storms impacted our rivers? What effects have the dead and dying ash trees had on in-stream habitat?

In this video, the writer, teacher and fisherman, Michael Delp raises these and other questions with the widely-respected river guide, Brian Pitser.  Based in Traverse City, Pitser is the owner of The Northern Angler, a fly fishing store and outfitters business. He has provided river guide services through out Northern Lower Michigan for decades.

Brian Pitser

After receiving a degree in biology from Hillsdale College in 1992, Pitser did not last long in the corporate world. His love of fly fishing pulled him out of the office cubicles to work as a river guide in Northern Michigan. In 2010, he launched his own business. With over 20-years of experience, Pitser is intimately familiar with the fisheries and ecological conditions on most of the major rivers of Northwest Lower Michigan.

In this conversation, Delp and Pitser call for improvements in the biological management of the rivers of northern Michigan. Among other changes, Pitser calls for greater control over access to the Boardman River. Watch this video for the full details!

The Little Manistee River (photo credit: Conservation Resource Alliance)