Demonstrating Sustainable Forestry – Palmer Woods Forest Reserve

Last year, the Leelanau Conservancy exercised an option to buy a 700-acre tract of land just east of Big Glen Lake and the Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore Park. According to Tom Nelson, the Conservancy’s Executive Director, the newly created Palmer Woods Forest Reserve will serve to protect water quality, provide valuable wildlife habitat, and offer an inviting location for passive recreation such as hiking, skiing and bird watching. The Forest Reserve will also be a demonstration site for new and emerging sustainable forestry techniques.

Recently retired from his role as Executive Director of the Leelanau Conservancy, Brain Price is now the Palmer Woods Forest Reserve Manager. In this video, Brian explains that the Conservancy expects to test new forest management processes to deal with a wide array of new diseases and pests as well as a changing climate. District Forester, Kama Ross also appears in this video to help explain why such learning and teaching sites are very valuable.

3 thoughts on “Demonstrating Sustainable Forestry – Palmer Woods Forest Reserve

  1. Love your site, having just discovered it through a link from the Leelanau Conservancy. One thing I would suggest is a contact person to email. You have a spelling error in the captions of this clip of Brian Price, at approx 33 seconds: it says: “Researve Manager”. Apart from that .. wow!

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